- 087 - Gas Fuel Code- gas fueled ships
- 088 - Polar Code
- 141 - IMO-ILO - Req. entering into force until 1st July 2014
- 142 - Validity of radio comm. Equipment
- 186 - IMO Ship Systerms and Equipment outcome
- 187 - Nox emission-implementation using SCR
- 189 - IMO MEPC meets for the 66th session
- 197 - New requirements for fire-fighters' outfit
- 198 - Reduction of underwater noise
- 200 - Sulphur Regulation
- 203 - Vessel Data Recorders , July 2014
- 208 - SOLAS Amendments 1st July 2014
- 238 - Containers must be weighted before being carried by sea
- 245 - Amendmants to BCH and IBC Code
- 246 - Ship's energy performance
- 249 - Polar Code- training standards
- 250 - IMO- Ship Design and Construction
- 262 - IMO sets smoke management
- 264 - Mandatory ship reporting system
- 274 - IMO and the environment